We all probably witnessing or experiencing one or another way, the role of marketing agency changing with today’s fast paced and very demanding consumer environment. We no longer can sit back and wait for the results of a marketing and advertising campaign, we need to act fast based on analytics available on our fingertips. From detailed analytics to ever busy social media feedback, you get pretty good sense of how your marketing and advertising plans mapping out your campaign engagement.

Over the last few years, traditional marketers are making the move slowly but cautiously when it comes to adapting new tools and on other hand there is an army of digital marketer coming out of schools and universities with goal to connect with target audience better then ever.

There is also race of traditional marketers trying to find a way not to be left behind with the influx of new digital tools which are simple but too many. There are occasions where I have seen traditional marketers trying hard to become technology startups with web or mobile app ideas but not realizing the learning curve they have to go through.

Technology startup becoming an industry which from outside looks lucrative and easy to get into till you are part of it. Having an idea just tip of an iceberg till you find challenges with implementing it. Recently I came across few marketing companies trying hard to launch a product which came through their experience of running a marketing campaign for a client and I can see the struggle they are going through now.

In my view marketing companies have a great window of opportunities by adopting these new tools and technology by building team of people who can deliver the marketing promise for their brands/clients. Every marketer with traditional marketing experience carries a wealth of experience which digital marketer may not have since it is all analytics based for them or only if digital marketer was traditional marketer before becoming a digital marketer.

We can not deny the value of digital tools in today’s environment but at the same time we can not ignore the fact that traditional marketer with new tools and technologies can do wonder. :)

Laiq Siddiqui, CEO, V4IDEAS Inc.

Please feel free to reach me if you have any questions at laiq@v4ideas.com or follow me on twitter @laiqsiddiqui

V4IDEAS Inc. is a digital agency based out of Mississauga and work with fortune 500 brands to implement great marketing ideas into reality through new digital tools.
